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XLII reunión anual de la Sociedad de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular de Chile (SBBMCh)/ XIV reunión anual de la Sociedad de Biología Vegetal de Chile (CSPB)

“Una visión molecular e integradora de los sistemas biológicos”

XLII annual meeting of the SBBMCh/ XIV annual meeting of Chilean Society of Plant Biologists (CSPB), 8 al 11 de Octubre del 2019, Hotel Gavina Sens, Iquique

“A molecular and integrative view of biological systems”


[button link=”” size=”large” icon=”fa-book” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”9c0800″ textcolor=”ffffff”]Check the Congress program here[/button]

[button link=”” size=”large” icon=”fa-book” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”19b5fe” textcolor=”ffffff”]Check the Book of Congress Abstracts here[/button]


Cost registration

Before August 14th
After August 14th
USD 300
USD 390
Non Members
USD 450
USD 550  
Post Doc
USD 270 
USD 330 
Research Assistant
USD 220  
USD 290  
PhD students
USD 210  
USD 270  
MSc Students
USD 210   
USD 270  
Undegraduate students
USD 210  
USD 270

Registration fee for participants include:

– Attendance to all scientific sessions – Opening Ceremony – Welcome cocktail – Lunches – Congress materials – Coffee breaks – Gala Dinner – Party

No poster or presentation fee

[alert color=”green”]

Para consultas de becas a estudiantes y apoyo a socios, escribir a Javier Canales

El plazo de solicitudes de becas es hasta el miércoles 21 de Agosto.



[alert color=”yellow”]Opening Lecture: Roberta Gottlieb [/alert]

[alert color=”yellow”]Severo Ochoa conference: Guadalupe Sabio [/alert]

[alert color=”yellow”]Osvaldo Cori conference: Jorge Babul [/alert]

[alert color=”yellow “]PABMB conference: Marcelo J. Yanovsky [/alert]


[alert color=”red”]Medalla Hermann Niemeyer: Daniel Uribe Brange  [/alert]

[alert color=”red”]Premios SBBM-Fermelo mejor presentación oral: Ariel Herrera Vásquez [/alert]

[alert color=”red”]Premios SBBM-Fermelo mejor presentación panel: Antonia Recabal [/alert]

[alert color=”red”]Dr. Tito Ureta prize: Liliana Cardemil  [/alert]

[alert color=”red”]Mejor incorporación: Francisco Salinas  [/alert]


Accommodation cost

Tipo de HabitaciónPESOS
Habitación Estándar Singles o Dobles
$62.475 + IVA
Habitación Superior Singles o Dobles
$69.090 + IVA
Suite Gavina
$163.905 + IVA
Habitación Triple
$80.115 + IVA
Habitación Cuádruple
$90.405 + IVA

Para reservas escribe al correo


[button link=”″ size=”default” icon=”fa-th-list” side=”left” style=”padding-right: 35px”  target=”blank” color=”003d9a” textcolor=”ffffff”]Ver recomendaciones de Iquique[/button]


[alert color=”white”] Proteomics and its role on the study of virulence and host-pathogens interactions

[alert color=”white”]Plant Breeding[/alert]

[alert color=”white”]Glucose and vitamin C transporters in health and disease. A tribute to Juan Carlos Vera[/alert]

[alert color=”white”]Plant Genomics[/alert]

[alert color=”white”]Simposio Cono Sur: Aptamers as molecular tools for biomedical applications [/alert]

[alert color=”white”]Oxidative stress, ROS and related pathologies [/alert]

[alert color=”white”]Simposio Chile – SBBq Brasil: Outreach, scientific education and the social role of science [/alert]
[alert color=”white”]Plant Metabolism[/alert]
[alert color=”white”]Computational Physical Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Multiscale Level: Different Points of View for Solving the Same Problem [/alert]
[alert color=”white”]Plant Biotic Interactions[/alert]
[alert color=”white”]Cannabinoid and cannabinoid receptors: Molecular Mechanisms and Implications in Medicine [/alert]
[alert color=”white”]ACCDiS – SBBM Symposium: Translational Cell Signaling and Metabolism  [/alert]


[/double_paragraph] [/row]


Registration and Abstract Submission
Abstract Submission Deadline: August 14, 2019

For registration, click on Create new account in the image. If you already have an account, log in to access the platform.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at the e-mail

New account Login


Instructions for the preparation of Abstracts

Title with authors 700 characters maximum.
The e-mail address of the person presenting the poster must be included.
Content including introduction, methodology, results and conclusions:  250 words maximum. Acknowledgements may be also included.

*Desde el segundo resumen en adelante obtén un 50% en el valor de la inscripción.

Instructions for the preparation of posters

In preparing your poster, include the following sections: Title, Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusions.

At the top of your poster include the title and author list as in the submitted abstract. The e-mail address of the person presenting the poster must be included. The text, illustrations, etc. should be large enough to be read easily from a distance of two meters. We recommend the usage of basic fonts like Arial or Verdana.

Also, the following font sizes are recommended

  • The Title should be at least 84 point
  • Section headers should be at least 48 point
  • Body text should be at least 24 point

The dimensions of the poster board are: 90 cm wide x 1.10m long. The suggested final dimensions for posters are 90 cm x 1 m.
Please note that authors are responsible for putting posters up on time and then removing them at the end of each session.
Please refer to the Final Program for the assigned poster number and use the board with the same number that for your poster.
Materials necessary to hang up posters will be available.

All the poster and abstracts presentations must be in English.

[/double_paragraph] [/row]

XLII reunión anual de la Sociedad de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular de Chile (SBBMCh)/ XIV reunión anual de la Sociedad de Biología Vegetal de Chile (CSPB)

“Una visión molecular e integradora de los sistemas biológicos”

XLII annual meeting of the SBBMCh/ XIV annual meeting of Chilean Society of Plant Biologists (CSPB), 8 al 11 de Octubre del 2019, Hotel Gavina Sens, Iquique

“A molecular and integrative view of biological systems”

[button link=”” size=”large” icon=”fa-book” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”9c0800″ textcolor=”ffffff”]Check the Congress program here[/button]

[button link=”” size=”large” icon=”fa-book” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”19b5fe” textcolor=”ffffff”]Check the Book of Congress Abstracts here[/button]


Cost registration

Before August 14th
After August 14th
USD 300
USD 390
Non Members
USD 450
USD 550  
Post Doc
USD 270 
USD 330 
Research Assistant
USD 220  
USD 290  
PhD students
USD 210  
USD 270  
MSc Students
USD 210   
USD 270  
Undegraduate students
USD 210  
USD 270
Registration fee for participants include: – Attendance to all scientific sessions – Opening Ceremony – Welcome cocktail – Lunches – Congress materials – Coffee breaks – Gala Dinner – Party No poster or presentation fee
[alert color=”green”]

Para consultas de becas a estudiantes y apoyo a socios, escribir a Javier Canales

El plazo de solicitudes de becas es hasta el miércoles 21 de Agosto.



[alert color=”yellow”]Opening Lecture: Roberta Gottlieb [/alert] [alert color=”yellow”]Severo Ochoa conference: Guadalupe Sabio [/alert] [alert color=”yellow”]Osvaldo Cori conference: Jorge Babul [/alert] [alert color=”yellow “]PABMB conference: Marcelo J. Yanovsky [/alert]


[alert color=”red”]Medalla Hermann Niemeyer: Daniel Uribe Brange  [/alert] [alert color=”red”]Premios SBBM-Fermelo mejor presentación oral: Ariel Herrera Vásquez [/alert] [alert color=”red”]Premios SBBM-Fermelo mejor presentación panel: Antonia Recabal [/alert] [alert color=”red”]Dr. Tito Ureta prize: Liliana Cardemil  [/alert] [alert color=”red”]Mejor incorporación: Francisco Salinas  [/alert] [/double_paragraph][double_paragraph]

Accommodation cost

Tipo de Habitación PESOS
Habitación Estándar Singles o Dobles
$62.475 + IVA
Habitación Superior Singles o Dobles
$69.090 + IVA
Suite Gavina
$163.905 + IVA
Habitación Triple
$80.115 + IVA
Habitación Cuádruple
$90.405 + IVA

Para reservas escribe al correo

[row][double_paragraph] [button link=”″ size=”default” icon=”fa-th-list” side=”left” style=”padding-right: 35px”  target=”blank” color=”003d9a” textcolor=”ffffff”]Ver recomendaciones de Iquique[/button]


[alert color=”white”] Proteomics and its role on the study of virulence and host-pathogens interactions [/alert] [alert color=”white”]Plant Breeding[/alert] [alert color=”white”]Glucose and vitamin C transporters in health and disease. A tribute to Juan Carlos Vera[/alert] [alert color=”white”]Plant Genomics[/alert] [alert color=”white”]Simposio Cono Sur: Aptamers as molecular tools for biomedical applications [/alert] [alert color=”white”]Oxidative stress, ROS and related pathologies [/alert]
[alert color=”white”]Simposio Chile – SBBq Brasil: Outreach, scientific education and the social role of science [/alert]
[alert color=”white”]Plant Metabolism[/alert]
[alert color=”white”]Computational Physical Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Multiscale Level: Different Points of View for Solving the Same Problem [/alert]
[alert color=”white”]Plant Biotic Interactions[/alert]
[alert color=”white”]Cannabinoid and cannabinoid receptors: Molecular Mechanisms and Implications in Medicine [/alert]
[alert color=”white”]ACCDiS – SBBM Symposium: Translational Cell Signaling and Metabolism  [/alert]
[/double_paragraph][double_paragraph] [/double_paragraph] [/row]

Registration and Abstract Submission Abstract Submission Deadline: August 14, 2019

For registration, click on Create new account in the image. If you already have an account, log in to access the platform.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at the e-mail

New account Login


Instructions for the preparation of Abstracts

Title with authors 700 characters maximum. The e-mail address of the person presenting the poster must be included. Content including introduction, methodology, results and conclusions:  250 words maximum. Acknowledgements may be also included.

*Desde el segundo resumen en adelante obtén un 50% en el valor de la inscripción.

Instructions for the preparation of posters

In preparing your poster, include the following sections: Title, Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusions. At the top of your poster include the title and author list as in the submitted abstract. The e-mail address of the person presenting the poster must be included. The text, illustrations, etc. should be large enough to be read easily from a distance of two meters. We recommend the usage of basic fonts like Arial or Verdana. Also, the following font sizes are recommended
  • The Title should be at least 84 point
  • Section headers should be at least 48 point
  • Body text should be at least 24 point
The dimensions of the poster board are: 90 cm wide x 1.10m long. The suggested final dimensions for posters are 90 cm x 1 m. Please note that authors are responsible for putting posters up on time and then removing them at the end of each session. Please refer to the Final Program for the assigned poster number and use the board with the same number that for your poster. Materials necessary to hang up posters will be available. All the poster and abstracts presentations must be in English. [/double_paragraph] [/row]