Title: “Clinical and biological aspects of a DC-based cancer immunotherapy”.
Dr. Flavio Salazar Onfray is a biologist from the University of Uppsala, Sweden, and got his PhD at the Karolinska…
Title: “Use of liquid biopsy for the detection of molecular alterations in patients with Gliomas”.
Dr. Angel Ayuso-Sacido made his PhD at Merck Sharp and Dhome (MSD) and worked as…
Title: "When the good become bad: platelets as accomplices in the metastasis."
Dr. Gareth Owen is an associate professor of the Faculty of Biological Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine…
Title: “Gallbladder cancer. Molecular pathology and preclinical studies with potential impact on patient management”.
Dr. Juan Carlos Roa studied medicine at the University of La Frontera and specialized in Surgical…
Dra. Veronica Burzio is a Senior Investigator at Fundación Ciencia & Vida and Andes Biotechnologies, and Assistant Professor at Universidad Andrés Bello in Santiago, Chile. She is a Biochemistry graduate…
Dra. Claudia Quezada is Biochemist from Universidad Austral de Chile and PhD in Molecular Biosciences at Universidad Andrés Bello. She is currently Associate Professor and Principal Investigator of the Molecular…
“Uso de herramientas bioinformáticas para la detección de nuevos patógenos emergentes”
Jueves 09 de Marzo, 16:30 hrs.
Rainforests of the World: New butterfly experience opens March 3
Experience our newly refreshed four-story rainforest dome, packed with lush blooms and butterfly surprises! From inside the canopy, watch the…
Apply now to the Wolfram Summer Programs for Science, Technology & Innovation!
The Wolfram Summer School is a unique educational and career opportunity to learn and to complete projects at the…
Me es grato comunicarles que “Mechanisms of Development”, la revista oficial de la “International Society of Developmental Biology”, editara un número especial sobre Biología del Desarrollo en Latino América.…
La Academia Nacional de Ciencias convoca a la presentación de candidatos para los Premios Academia Nacional de Ciencias, edición 2016.
Estos Premios son otorgados anualmente por la institución con la finalidad…
Travel Awards
Innovative Research.
Revolutionary Discoveries.
See the brightest minds in science bring forth their revolutionary discoveries at the 2017 American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Annual Meeting. Attendees will have…