Unique Teaching Opportunity for Graduate Student or PostDoc:
QB3 5-Day Lab Fundamentals Bootcamp for Undergrads
QB3 is hiring grad students or postdocs to teach a 5-day course, Lab…
Se realizará en Rosario del 17 al 19 de MAYO de 2017. El lugar de la reunión será la BOLSA DE COMERCIO DE ROSARIO, ubicada en calle Paraguay 777.
La convocatoria, que apoya la formación de estudiantes de excelencia en instituciones académicas internacionales facultadas para entregar el grado de Doctor, tendrá cambios en sus bases concursales por exigencia de…
Randy Schekman is a Nobel Prize-winning American cell biologist at the University of California, Berkeley, and former editor-in-chief of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The annual Arthur M.…
Join our webinar—Getting started with CRISPR: a review of gene knockout and homology-directed repair
Getting started with CRISPR: a review of gene knockout and homology-directed repair
CRISPR has become an increasingly popular tool for genome editing, in part because…
The 1st International Conference on the “Glycobiology of Nervous System”, with the Korea University sponsorship.
September 2nd -5st, 2017, Korea University, Seoul, Korea.
People that are interested to attend this meeting are…
Inauguración Jueves 9 de Marzo 12:00 hrs.
Exhibición Temporal 9 de Marzo a 9 de Mayo 2017
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has revealed the first known system of seven Earth-size planets around a single star. Three of these planets are firmly located in the habitable zone, the…
Profesionales de la comunicación de la ciencia celebran el centenario de Violeta Parra invitando a científicas/os, profesores/as de…
El Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Ambiental (DIQA) de la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM), les da la bienvenida a la página del XX Congreso de Ingeniería Química "Desafíos y…
El curso se realizará en el Observatorio Cerro Calán e incluirá jornadas de observación con telescopios. La iniciativa será impartida por el astrónomo y Premio Nacional de Ciencias 1999, José…
Dear,The second annual Biophysics Week is coming up March 6-10, 2017. Biophysics Week is a global effort to encourage connections within the biophysics community and raise awareness of the field…