Dr. Steven M. Varga is a Professor of the department of microbiology and director of the interdisciplinary graduate program in Immunology at the University of Iowa, He started his career…
Dr. Norberto Guzman received a B.Sc. degree in biochemistry (clinical biochemistry) from a Joint Undergraduate Program of the University of Concepcion and the University of Chile, Santiago, Chile; a M.Sc.…
Dr. Mcsorley Is a professor in the Center of Comparative Medicine of the University of California Davis, where he has been an interim director during 2015-2016. He started his career…
Dr. Alexis M. Kalergis is a Full Professor at the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, School of Biological Sciences and the Department of Endocrinology, School of Medicine, at the…
Dr. Daniel F. Hoft is a Professor and Director of the division of Infectious Diseases, Allergy & immunology in the department of Internal Medicine of Saint Louis university School of…
Queridos amigos,
Os escribimos para animaros y recordaros que el primer plazo de inscripción al XVI Congreso de la SBE termina el próximo 19 de marzo de 2017. Toda la…
La Sociedad Uruguaya de Biociencias tiene el agrado de invitarlos al Congreso Nacional de Biociencias 2017 que se realizará en la chacra La Martina entre los días 12 y 14…
Comunicado sobre el Lanzamiento de la tercera versión de Brain Chile, programa de aceleración para emprendimientos de base científico-tecnológica, iniciativa impulsada por el Centro de Innovación UC Anacleto Angelini, la Escuela…
Martes 4 de abril
12:00 horas
Salón Mario Caiozzi
Facultad Ciencias Químicas y Farmacéuticas
Universidad de Chile
Sergio Livingstone 1007, Independencia
Claudia Stange studied Biochemistry at the University of Chile and received her degree in 1996. She got her doctoral degree in Biological Science from the Catholic University of Chile in…
Dr. Christian A.M. Wilson was trained as a Biochemist and obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Chile, Chile in 2011. CW permorfed a posdoctoral training at University of California,…
Dr Maximiliano Figueroa (36) obtained the professional title of Biochemist in 2005 at the University of Concepción. During his undergraduate thesis, directed by Dr Marta Bunster, he had a first…