*El Dr. Schekman, eminencia mundial en el ámbito de la investigación en salud, fue recibido en sesión pública de la entidad.
Premio Nobel de Medicina y Fisiología 2013, profesor de…
Roberta A. Gottlieb, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
Director of Molecular Cardiobiology
Dorothy and E. Phillip Lyon Chair in Molecular Cardiology
Vice-Chair for Translational Medicine, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Smidt Heart Institute
Barbra Streisand Women’s Heart Center
Horacio Poblete is a full professor at Universidad de Talca (Chile), he received his Ph.D. in Applied Sciences at Talca University in 2013. His thesis work was focused on understanding…
Julio Caballero is Associate Professor of the Faculty of Engineering at University of Talca, Chile and he is leading a research group on the modelling of biomacromolecular systems by using…
Importante: Existe la opción de postular a becas apoyo para alojamiento para estudiantes de fuera de Talca.
Objetivo General: Contribuir al desarrollo y actualización de conocimientos en microbiología clínica.
Dirigido a: Médicos especialistas en microbiología, laboratorio clínico e infectología. Médicos de otras especialidades. Profesionales del…
Sitio web
LV SAIB and XVI PABMB will be held in Salta, Argentina, from 5 to 8 November, 2019
The meeting includes Plenary Conferences, Symposia, Oral Communications and Poster Sessions that will…
Julio Tapia, Confirmed coordinator
Dr. Julio Tapia is Biochemist from the University of Santiago. In 2004 he got a PhD degree in Biomedical Sciences of the University of Chile,…
Del 18 al 20 de julio - Hotel Sol de Oro, Miraflores, Lima - Perú.
Link del congreso: https://www.facebook.com/patologiaclinica2019/
Important awards for poster and oral presentations!
Dear colleagues,
The 15th Rio Symposium on Atomic Spectrometry brings special opportunities for participants. Four 125 U$S awards for best poster (one for…