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Selective  Process  Disclosure  for  granting  four  (4)  post-­‐doctoral  grants CAPES / PNPD

The   Coordination   of   the   Post-­‐Graduation   Program   in   Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Faculty of Pharmacy of UFRJ announces that, from November 17 to 28, 2016, applications for the selection of candidates for the National Postdoctoral Program (PNPD)) Of CAPES. (PNPD / CAPES -­‐ Ordinance 086/2013).

The selection process will take place between November 29 and December 5, 2016.

To    register,    the    candidate    must    send    an    e-­‐mail    to    the    PPGCF    office ( with the following documents:

  • Research Project (inserted in the research lines of the PPGCF);
  • Schedule of planned activities for the first year of the scholarship;
  • Curriculum Lattes of the candidate and the supervisor (permanent supervisor of the PPGCF);
  • Digital copy of the Diploma of the Doctorate Course with Final History or Certificate of Completion;
  • Digital copy of ID. Selection Criteria:

Analysis of the project and the curricula of the interested ones  (candidates and supervisor) and interview with the candidates. The Judging Committee will be composed of members outside the PPGCF and an internal representative of the PPGCF and will be defined by the PPGCF Deliberative Committee. The result will be disclosed exclusively by electronic correspondence sent to interested parties.

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