Title: “Use of liquid biopsy for the detection of molecular alterations in patients with Gliomas”.
Dr. Angel Ayuso-Sacido made his PhD at Merck Sharp and Dhome (MSD) and worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the Medicine Department at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and the Neurosurgery Department at Cornell Medical Center. He come back to Spain and worked as Senior Researcher at Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe (CIPF) de Valencia, and Founded the Glioblastoma Spanish Network (REIG). Afterwards, he was Visiting Scientist at Helsinki University and currently, he is the Scientific Soordinator at Fundación de Investigación HM hospitales (FiHM), Director of the Brain Tumour Laboratory at FiHM, Assistant Profesor of Medicine at San Pablo-CEU University, Coordinator of the Nano-Oncology Laboratory at IMDEA nanoscience and President of the REIG.