Title: “Addiction to CK2 in cancers. Lessons From Colon Cancer”.
Dr. Julio Tapia is Biochemist from USACH, with a PhD degree in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Chile and a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Molecular Studies of the Cell (CEMC) in the School of Medicine of same University. In 2008, he got an academic position at University of Chile, in which is Associate Professor from 2012. He is one of the founder of the Center for Cancer Research and Treatment (CITC) and is currently affiliated to the recently created Department of Basic & Clinical Oncology (DOBC) at the School of Medicine. His line of research is on the mechanisms regulated by the protein kinase CK2 that promote tumorigenesis and metastasis in colon cancer. His group (Cell Transformation Laboratory) has published in important journals such as J Cell Physiol, J Cell Biochem, Mol Carcinogen, Mol Cancer, BMC Cancer, and Oncotarget, showing the CK2-dependent regulation of the Wnt/-catenin, the PI3k/Akt and the Endothelin-1 signaling pathways. He has executed 1 international and 6 national grants as principal investigator, as well as has collaborated in 8 grants as co-investigator. He has directed 15 graduate and 8 undergraduate theses, is faculty member of several PhD programs, as well as national and international societies. He is normally invited to review manuscripts in several international journals, is an Expert Reviewer in Cancer Letters and an Associate Editor in Gene. Also, as Alternate Director of G1 Biomedicine’s group, he is a reviewer of Fondecyt grants in its different categories.