Millennium Nucleus for Fungal Integrative and Synthetic Biology, P. Universidad Católica, Chile
Luis Larrondo received a Ph.D in Cellular and Molecular Biology at the P. Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). With the support of the PEW foundation he conducted his postdoctoral work at Dartmouth Medical School (EE.UU) where he became interested in fungal functional genomics and circadian regulation. In 2009, he went back Chile, where he is now and associate professor and the director of the Millennium Nucleus for Fungal Integrative and Synthetic Biology (PUC). His lab works with different fungal systems studying the molecular mechanisms underlying biological oscillators, assessing the impact that circadian clocks and light-regulation have on physiology and in host-pathogen interactions. Through optogenetics and synthetic biology-based approaches his lab is also exploring the design of new oscillatory circuits capable of starting and sustaining circadian rhythms. The lab is also interested in the effect of combining different transcriptional modules in order to obtain tunable and predictable behaviors upon external stimuli.