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The School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences offers a research internship programme for international students. The programme is available to full-time final-year undergraduate and Masters students studying outside Singapore, particularly those considering pursuing post-graduate studies at the School. (For current NTU students, please refer to the division websites for information about research opportunities, including summer research and final year projects.)


  • Applicants must be either (i) full-time final-year undergraduate students, or (ii) full-time Masters students, currently studying outside Singapore.
  • Applicants must be able to commit to an internship period of at least three months.
  • Applicants must have good academic records.

Terms of Support

Each intern is provided with up to S$1000 to cover air fares, and an allowance of S$1000 per month.

The School will cover a number of other miscellaneous fees, including the Student Services Fee, Health Services Fee to NTU, Temporary Employment Pass fees, and laser license application fees (if applicable).

How to Apply

Each applicant must obtain the agreement of a faculty member at the School to act as research supervisor. The supervisor and applicant must agree on the internship dates and the scope of the research project. The supervisor can also provide advice about what to write in the research proposal.

The applicant must prepare the following documents:

  1. Application form (download link here)
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  3. Up-to-date academic transcript
  4. Abstracts of reseach publications (if any)
  5. 1-2 page Research Proposal for the internship period.

Please email these documents to the following people:

Each application will be assessed by an evaluation committee. The decisions of the committee are final.
