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Dear all,
Please find attached the announcement for 8 PhD and 3 postdoc positions currently offered at the Center for NanoScience (CeNS) Munich. We would highly appreciate if you could pass on the information to interested Master and PhD students.
PhD Projects:
1. Motor proteins studied at the single molecule level (Prof. Claudia Veigel, Medical Faculty, LMU Munich)
2. Recreating the Origin of Life with Non-Equilibrium Chemistry (Prof. Dieter Braun, Department of Physics, LMU Munich)
3. Two positions in automated electrophysiology/patch clamp on cells and characterization of ion channels (Nanion Technologies, Munich)
4. Two positions in Nano-Bionics with Single Molecules (Prof. Petra Schwille, MPI for Biochemistry)
5. Charge transport in organic semiconductors (Prof. Thomas Weitz, Physics Department LMU Munich)
6. Opto-Mechanics of Single Enzyme Molecules (Prof. Matthias Rief, Physics Department, TU Munich) 
Postdoc Projects:
1. Synthetic biology /protein engineering / biophysics  (Prof. Hermann Gaub / Dr. Michael Nash, Physics Department, LMU Munich)
2. Biophysics/fluorescence microscopy  (Prof. Petra Schwille, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried)
3. DNA-based superlattices   (Prof. Tim Liedl, Physics Department, LMU Munich)

Application deadline:  February 8, 2016.
More information about the projects and the application procedure can be found on our website
Thank you very much for your time and cooperation!