Postdoctoral Scholar Open Positions
The Dey group has two NIH funded postdoctoral positions open in the areas of single-cell genomics and developmental biology. We are broadly interested in understanding how the epigenome regulates gene expression heterogeneity and cell fate decisions during mammalian development.
Position 1: To develop novel integrated single-cell technologies to simultaneous quantify the epigenome and transcriptome in space and time (NIH R01HG011013).
Position 2: To study the dynamics and understand the mechanisms regulating epigenetic reprogramming during early mouse development (NIH R01HD099517).
Candidates with a Ph.D. in biology, physics, computer science, bioengineering or other engineering disciplines with
knowledge of experimental (molecular biology, mouse genetics, genomics) and/or computational biology (bioinformatics, statistics, programming languages) are encouraged to apply.
Interested candidates should send a (1) Cover letter briefly describing their previous research experiences and accomplishments, (2) CV and (3) names and contact information of 3 references to
Additional information can be found at: