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Estimados alumnos(as) y profesores(as),

Junto con saludar, nos complace informar que el próximo miércoles 4 de mayo de 2016 a las 15:30 hrs. en la sala de conferencias del 3er piso del Departamento de Física,  el Dr. José Delpiano de la Universidad de los Andes dará una charla sobre:

Automated detection of fluorescent cells in In-Resin Fluorescence sections for Integrated Light and Electron Microscopy

The recent introduction of integrated or correlated light and electron microscopy (CLEM) allows for the extraction of both functional and structural information from a single specimen. A crucial step for an automated process of CLEM is the localisation of cells of interest in fluorescence images, in order to direct further EM imaging of the sample. We propose a simple method that accurately segments and localises most cells in a 2k x 2k image in about 5 seconds. Our experimental results with images of HeLa cells verify the effectiveness of this method, when compared to the segmentations of expert microscopists.

Esperamos contar con tu asistencia,


Dr. Simón Oyarzún
Profesor Asistente
Departamento de Física
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Teléfono: 27 18 13 86